Welcome to RCEL's blogsite

Welcome to Reading Christian Ecology Link's blogsite

"For the Church of the 21st century, good ecology is not an optional extra but a matter of justice. It is therefore central to what it means to be a Christian"
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

God's Big Society

The next RCEL meeting will be after the following event. As well as the opportunity for prayer there will be information stalls about the members of Impact Reading :
God’s Big Society ! 

We never work beyond our praying

Everyone's invited to join with us at Greyfriars Church
7pm on Sunday 1st May to pray for God’s Social Action!

Let’s give thanks for all that God has given for ‘Big Society’ in our town
and seek His direction for what comes next.
A Christian social action network for Reading and surrounding areas