Welcome to RCEL's blogsite

Welcome to Reading Christian Ecology Link's blogsite

"For the Church of the 21st century, good ecology is not an optional extra but a matter of justice. It is therefore central to what it means to be a Christian"
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Gathering reminder - please do attend the first in Reading

Earthing Faith Gathering - 14th June, Reading

You are invited to the Earthing Faith network Gathering on Thursday 14th June 2012 at Trinity Church, Earley in Reading.
The focus of the gathering will be projects and church buildings, with short presentations from people behind a number of church projects from the diocese, as well as from Natalie Merry (DAC Secretary), who responsible for helping and advising churches on alterations and renovations to their buildings. The gathering is a space for sharing stories from projects around the Diocese of Oxford, and there will be an opportunity for everyone to share what they are doing, as well as space for prayer and reflection.
Please do join us – everyone is welcome.
Where: Trinity Church, Earley in Reading (RG6 5HZ - map - website)
When: 7pm until 9pm, Thursday 14th June 2012
Register: Please help us plan by registering to say you intend to join us.
Click here to complete the online registration form (includes lift share details) – alternatively rsvp via Facebook.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Shaping the new climate change strategy


Help shape Reading’s sustainable future – now!

A new climate change strategy will set the framework for building a sustainable Reading over the next seven years, up to 2020. You can help shape this now.  

The strategy is being developed through the Reading Climate Change Partnership, involving Voluntary and Community, Business and Public sectors. It is intended to be adopted by the Council and other partner organisations.

This GREN event will: 
  • explore the new climate change strategy themes drawn from workshops at the launch event in January
  • enable you to get involved and ensure that environmental interests are brought to the fore in this important strategy and action plan.
10.00am - 12.30pm, Saturday 9 June 2012(Free event - refreshments provided)

Room 3, RISC, London St. Reading, RG1 4PS
All are welcome but it will help us plan if you tell us you are coming here http://www.doodle.com/5f7tex7eubanqatq
Please forward this mail to any local contacts who may be interested - thanks and hope to see you there